Student Achievements

Student achievements


Eteri, your maturity is beyond your years. From our program’s inception, you have contributed to our classrooms as if you were a teaching assistant. You are eager to help whenever someone is having difficulty and this characteristic improves our ability to deliver the UCMAS program. You are uber competitive and take it hard on yourself when you do not achieve the lofty goals you have set. You are the recipient of the 2017 Aizen Academy Academic Excellence Award and this speaks to the hard work that you undoubtedly put in to improve your skills. Although you have been travelling every summer, you return committed to getting back to the level you were at prior to leaving. As a UCMAS Graduate, you have started volunteering in new batches and your ability to teach with poise and confidence emanates for all students to appreciate. I am certain you will be a UCMAS Course Instructor one day and share your talents to ensure the next generation of students develop through the program as you once did. I am grateful for your continued presence at Aizen Academy and sincerely thank you for making our school a better environment for learning.


Varun, most Aizen Academy students have heard stories about how UCMAS was introduced to me, but they had never met the face behind the story. Six years ago in Montreal, you challenged me to a series of arithmetic based mental math questions and I simply could not keep up with you. I immediately inquired about the program that developed your skills and I got on a phone call with Yasotha of UCMAS West Island. Within 24 hours of discussing the program with her, I signed the Franchise Agreement with UCMAS Canada. Your journey through UCMAS led to our opening of the UCMAS program at Aizen Academy more than 500 km away. Once you moved out of the city, you were unable to continue with the program. Many years later, you have been able to resume where you left off and complete the program virtually. I am proud of the initiative you took to return to the program. I praise you for the hard work and determination that pushed you to the finish line. I applaud you for graduating the UCMAS program with Honors after years of being removed from the program. Keep slaying all that comes your way and you will find a countless array of engaging problems to solve. The sky is not the limit; it’s simply a pit stop on your way out of this world!


Jeremy, you are the youngest Taala to become a UCMAS Graduate. You were also the Taala who took the least amount of time to complete the full program. Kudos to your talents, young man. You were oozing with confidence from the moment you entered our classrooms. Both of your siblings had already spent significant time in the program when you joined. You would burst into every classroom, ensuring your presence was immediately felt. You never showed the difficulties and challenges of the program in your demeanor. I recall many instances where you would complain that it’s too easy or too slow as your classmates sent laser beams at you with their eyes. It certainly did not stop you from complaining again after the following question. You are a student that raises the bar for your classmates to follow. They are privileged to have had a fierce competitor amongst them. Thank you for pushing us all to be better versions of ourselves, whether we want to or not. You are a natural born leader. Excited to see what comes next.


Austin, although you had transferred to our centre in the latter half of the UCMAS program, it feels as if you have been with us forever. Your jovial nature and permanent smile ensures that your presence is felt in every class. You are a natural leader and the first UCMAS graduate in your family. Both of your sisters will follow in your footsteps and conquer this program as you have. You are always engaged in every class and will be a great addition to the Course Instructor family at Aizen Academy. With your set of skills and confidence, there is no telling how far you will go. We will sit back, and enjoy the show.


Desiree, we are privileged to have enjoyed the UCMAS journey with your entire family. A hearty congratulations to the Taala family who proudly have three UCMAS Graduates! Each of you faced unique challenges navigating through the program. It was incredible for you to witness your older brother, Darren, graduate UCMAS and train to become a Course Instructor. His success motivated you to work hard and persevere through the challenges that you faced. During the last stretch of the program, you significantly improved your visualization skills and impressed both your classmates and yourself with blazing speed and accuracy. When you flip that switch in your mind, there’s no holding you back. Keep slaying, Des.


Sonia, you are every teacher’s delight. You are soft spoken, attentive, and kill us all with kindness. There were many instances where you felt the program was too challenging for you to complete; however, you stayed true to the course and overcame all obstacles that came your way. You have a tremendous flame inside you. It has brought warmth to our classrooms and our hearts alike. We are excited to see where it will take you. You continue to amass skills in multiple disciplines and they will surely guide you to wondrous experiences in the future. In the meantime, we are excited to welcome you back to Aizen Academy to assist in our teaching of the UCMAS program.


Howard, You are an inspiration to every student at Aizen Academy. Your incredible feats continue to mount and we anxiously await your next great achievement. You are the recipient of the 2017, 2018, and 2019 Aizen Academy Chess Award, as well as the 2018 Aizen Academy Character Distinction Scholarship. The scholarship covered your Chess fees and UCMAS fees until graduation. Incredibly, you were invited to represent Canada in the North American Chess Tournament held in Kingston, ON. Your scholarship also covered the cost of your stay in Kingston for the five day tournament in which you amassed 3 victories! You are an ambassador to Aizen Academy and every program that we have. You represent the Phillipino Canadian community in the highest possible regard and we could not be prouder to have a student of your caliber at our centre. You have dominated in-house UCMAS competitions and won trophies at National UCMAS competitions over the years. You officially graduated from the UCMAS program in November of 2019 passing the Grade 2 examination, but you were not pleased. You practiced for a few more months and returned in 2020 to complete the UCMAS program as a Grade 1 Baccalaureate Graduate! I am proud to be your instructor and you have reassured me that teaching and inspiring young children is the greatest gift I can give this world. Thank you for pushing the envelope and raising the bar for all students to follow.


Jaiden, you are the most jovial student I have ever met. You have a never ending supply of jokes that provide timely comic relief. You bring joy to your classmates and pride to your parents. You are an excellent older brother to Shanei and are the first to raise your hand when someone needs help. I am confident that you will guide your sister to develop and achieve similar success in UCMAS. I made a promise to your Father that I would help you overcome all obstacles and graduate from the UCMAS program. Thank you for working hard and helping me fulfill that promise. I hereby make a solemn promise to you that I will be here to provide advice and assistance in overcoming the hurdles that you have yet to face. You are strong, intelligent, and committed to achieving the best version of yourself. No matter how many times you told me that you could not pass the graduation test, you persevered. You pushed yourself to reach heights you did not think possible before. The unchartered territory you have entered will be a common place in your future. No matter how old you get, keep others laughing and you will always be content.


Adam, Your contributions to Aizen Academy are felt in every class. You have a strong will to be virtuous, which stems from both of your parents and how they have raised you. I smile every time I see your father’s license plate - BE HAPPY - and await his kind greetings. I do not recall a single encounter with you that did not start with a smile and follow with utmost respect. You carry yourself as a mature young man who infects others with kindness and empathy. You are always trying to help those who need it, and step in as a voice of reason whenever required. I can always walk out of a classroom when you are present, because I know you will not tolerate others misbehaving. You have worked hard to achieve Graduation in the UCMAS program and I am proud of the work ethic that got you here. I thank you for the countless memories and the difficult questions you challenged me with. I will always support you in your endeavors and patiently wait to see how you will shape our future.


Aedrich, You approached the UCMAS program with trepidation and doubt. You were afraid you could not achieve our requirements and you did not believe that you would one day Graduate from this program. I am proud of how you faced your fears. I am proud of how you conquered your doubts and worked hard to improve your skills. You have always worn your emotions on your sleeve. Your love for Jesus and basketball exudes through your pores and delights those around you. It was wonderful to have a defender when dropping a step back fade paper towel toss in the garbage bin. You always show up to class with a smile and a handful of questions. I do not recall a single class that went by without you bursting into a powerful laugh that immediately spread throughout the room. You have an incredibly strong moral compass and it will guide you through wondrous journeys in life. I pray there is always a place for our paths to cross in the future.


I was putting up a UCMAS sign on a post near a community centre when your father was walking by. His smile was warm and friendly, I couldn’t help but say hello. Within minutes, we were neck deep in conversation and he assured me that he would bring you to Aizen Academy. I guaranteed him that you would graduate from the UCMAS program. We both kept our promises and here we are taking full credit for all of the hard work and training you put in. I constantly overhear parents telling their children to be more like you. Rarely do I come across young boys who are calm, respectful, and empathetic. Your work ethic and determination will serve you in tackling all obstacles that come your way. I am grateful to have shared the last few years with you, and look forward to seeing how you impact our society in the future.


Noelle, you have the irrevocable title of being our first registered UCMAS student. In our wildest dreams, we could not have chosen a better child for this honour. Your empathy, kind demeanour, and infectious smile bring warmth to every class that you grace. You are the recipient of the 2016 Aizen Academy Academic Excellence Award and you have always been a great ambassador for our school. Your creativity shows no bounds, and there is no ceiling high enough to slow you down. You have contributed to the success of Aizen Academy and we are forever grateful for all that you have taught us. We eagerly look forward to the next challenge you decide to conquer.